Saturday, January 5
FREE Original Flower Silhouettes and how to make your own
I wanted to make a silhouette of a lily to use for this blog as a post header for one of my regular features. I would like to share with you how simple it was for me to do.
I used Corel Photo-Paint x5 for this, but I've used quite a few other photo editors and the procedure is pretty much the same.
1. Choose a photo with a plant or flower (or whatever may be the subject) that is easy to distinguish the edges.
2. Open the photo into your editor.
3. Select the Freehand Mask Tool on the sidebar and begin to outline the whole flower. Yes, it will take a bit of time, but just take the cursor and go around the very edge of the subject. I like to make short stops and starts along my whole subject rather than drag the cursor.
4.When you come around to where you began, double click the cursor and you have your whole subject masked out.
5. Press ctrl C and then Paste as New Document or Paste New From Clipboard.
6. Now, if your subject still has a few little pieces here and there of the background, take your Freehand Mask tool again and go around those little pieces. Delete them as you go.
7. Once you've cleaned up your subject just adjust the brightness all the way down to -100 or whatever the lowest setting is for you. It will turn completely black.
8. Under "Object" click on "Combine" and then "Combine all Objects to Background" (making sure the background color is white). And there's your silhouette!
9. You can also change the color of your silhouette just by selecting "Replace Color" (found under "Adjust"). Take the color dropper, select the color (black) of your current silhouette, then select a new color from their selection.
Here are some Free Silhouettes for you to use for whatever you like as long as you credit me for the photo as follows: Silhouette by Bernadette Fox ( Enjoy them for personal or commercial use.
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