Thursday, April 10

Hardy Pecan Tree Seeds For Sale (Wisconsin Strain) and Video on How to Start Them From Seed!

 Head on over right now to Magicland Farms to purchase your seed nuts so you can get them growing ASAP. The faster you get them in some soil, the better!   

Monday, February 10

More DIY videos!

So, I have been putting up DIY videos on my YouTube channel as often as I can find the time. So here are all the latest ones I completed since my last post:

My last post was about winter lettuce. I completed the last two installments to the winter lettuce series so check them out:

For my sister for Christmas I made/decorated an old mirror with birch bark and lovely little bird on a branch. She is decorating her bedroom with birdies so I decided to add to her collection. :)

I also finished the second part to a video I made last year about growing gourds from seed. (Would you believe the video was actually taken with a phone! I had forgotten my camera so my sister used her phone to take the video of me planting my gourd plants. You can see my first video if you follow this link: